The Softskills of telework, a major lever of performance and competitiveness for the company

July 10, 2020

Talentia lance Talentia Softskills

The episode of containment during the Covid-19 crisis had a profound effect on organizations and employees. If telework was perceived as a revolution for many until now, it is now highly recommended but also to be organized. More than ever, HR managers need to be accompanied in this new organisation to be set up.

Teleworking: For whom? How often?

The relationship with transformed labour

Telework radically changes the employee’s relationship with his professional activity around 4 key elements.

First of all, it requires a significant organizational capacity. The teleworker must be able to plan his working hours and guarantee constant productivity.
Autonomy, i.e. the ability to work alone, without necessarily calling on his hierarchy and team members at the same frequency as in a company.
The interdependence of tasks, i.e. the ability to know what one can do only by oneself or, on the contrary, which necessarily requires teamwork.

Finally, the ability to manage isolation and physical absence from the company, colleagues and hierarchy. Teleworking requires all of these Softskills, both to be efficient while working remotely and to maintain the relationship with the company.

Based on these elements, HR managers will be able to define the optimal frequency of teleworking for each employee and how to support them to be more efficient in a teleworking situation.

Talentia and MPF Paris: helping companies to organize telework and more..

Faced with this growing complexity, HR managers express the need to have the necessary tools to support their teams and to identify people likely to be in difficulty in a teleworking situation. This involves defining who is eligible to telework and how often.

Today, 5 Softskills are particularly sought after by recruiters: adaptability, team spirit, rigour, emotional intelligence and empathy. However, these qualities are difficult to identify and require tools, and the same is true for those indispensable for teleworking.

6 behavioural competencies essential for telework

According to several studies, 18 Softskills are inherent to teleworking. By taking the main ones and analysing them for an employee, we can determine the optimal frequency of teleworking. EM Normandy counts 6 Softskills that are very influential in a telework situation. Among them are the ability to understand one’s organisation, to understand the needs of others, to solve a complex problem, to identify resource persons, to know oneself and to promote oneself.

Talentia Softskills: identify the ideal frequency.

In association, MPF Paris and Talentia Software are working with HR departments on this issue with the Talentia Softskills Solution.

Talentia Softskills is :

  • Dedicated and secure access to Talentia’s HCM platform.
  • A questionnaire of 100 questions on average (45 minutes)
  • The individual results are provided to the employee in his Talentia portal.
  • The HRD receives all the results in the Talentia HR portal.

The objective is to enable HR managers to support their employees in setting up a frequency of teleworking that is beneficial for them and the company and to help them in their professional development