The 7 Deadly Sins of the HRD: Sin #6, thinking that everything happens naturally
November 22, 2019
The commitment is not innate for the employee
Companies, and more particularly HRDs, are making considerable efforts to recruit the talent that will support their development and competitiveness. It is also about making it more attractive in the face of ever tougher competition.
When a candidate is convinced of what he or she perceives of the organization finally decides to join it, this is where all the attractiveness work begins. It will be necessary to convert an initial conviction into a flawless commitment.
If we assume that commitment and performance are closely linked, then the employee must feel fulfilled to ensure a certain quality. To ensure their well-being, HRDs and management teams must act and intervene on a daily basis by valuing the individual in his or her role of creating value and no longer simply considering him or her as a cost centre.
To be committed, the employee must be a full-fledged actor and be involved qualitatively and proactively in a certain number of missions, giving and benefiting from continuous feedback to progress, revealing his talents and know-how. Finally, he must be committed to the innovation strategy within the framework of transversal projects that will apply his creative talents and his ability to get out of the box.
For the younger generations, commitment must not go hand in hand with attachment to the company. They want to break away from the idea of having to attach themselves emotionally and morally to their company as previous generations may be. It is a question of finding the right balance between private and professional life. If the company is respectful of their expectations, they will give their best and commit themselves without limits.
Commitment, autonomy and trust
To generate the commitment, employees need autonomy, to be able to continuously develop their skills, to project themselves into attractive career paths in a favourable environment and conditions. Managerial support must be invigorating and caring.
Commitment is not a natural thing, it is built over time and is based on the employee’s trust in his or her organization and management system. To maintain it, HRDs must ensure that they constantly measure the level of commitment and its quality by relying on the various social sensors that will enable them to identify possible risks of degradation and thus react more quickly.