The 7 Deadly Sins of the HRD: Sin #5, not paying attention to what is important

November 18, 2019

In the professional world, training has often been considered a necessary evil, an obligation.

The companies then decided to train at all costs, without really meeting their needs and the expectations of their employees. On the budget side, the training budget was allocated as a percentage of the payroll, then allocated on a reserve basis and often on a “first come, first served” basis. As a result, those who did not have enough sponsors to defend their claim remained on the side of the road.

In France, in 2015, the legal reform of the Personal Training Account made it possible to change the obligation to pay to an obligation to train. However, today, 80% of the training hours are still not consumed and the CPF remains poorly supplied and only 20% of the employees who have it use it.

The objective of the reform was very clear: to put the individual back at the heart of the system by integrating the 3 key actors: the employee, the company and the locality in order to allow the decentralization of the process and to be as close as possible to local needs. Today, only 2% of French employees are mobile regionally and the interest of a local approach is real.

On the side of Human Resources Departments, the role to be played is that of the first communicator, a federator around projects aimed at restoring the desire to train and develop skills. They certainly have a responsibility to be in regulatory compliance to avoid any risk of penalties. They must consider their role as coaches in the creation of collective individual value by ensuring that they have invested and performing resources at the top of their competence and expertise.